August 7, 2015 David Codrea All , Oath Keepers , Second Amendment I will not comply , Orders we will not obey. Los Angeles Essentially, authoritarians on the Los Angeles City Council have decided they don’t trust non-enforcers with the same technology used in Pez dispensers. Princess High-Cap courtesy RA Bear & Associates. The Los Angeles City Council passed an ordinance last week banning what it calls “large capacity” [read “standard capacity” ] magazines, ordering citizens to surrender them within 60 days. Gun owners caught in possession of a 10+round magazine by LAPD enforcers will face misdemeanor charges, the Los Angeles Daily News reported . California already bans the manufacture and sale of such magazines, but “it’s not against the law to possess large-capacity magazines in most of the state.” And true to form, now that they’ve imposed their edict in L.A., the antis are looking to expand it nationwide. That was a major talkin...