Smart Guns–Dumb Lawsuits By David Codrea, © 2001
Reposted from: Part I- The New Battleground "New Orleans Aims Lawsuit at Gun Makers," declares the headline. "We seek to recover damages...from of guns that are not safe," postures the Big Easy's mayor, Mark Morial. "If we can childproof medicine bottles, why can't we childproof guns?" sound-bites Dennis Henigan of the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence (CPHV). The answer is, we can– to a degree. But will they be worth a damn for defense if we do? "Recent efforts to sue firearms manufacturers based upon firearms that work as intended, is a drastic departure from nearly a century of settled products liability law," says Los Angeles-based liability attorney Steven A. Silver. "Attempts to hold firearms manufacturers liable will create two serious problems: first, they may be forced into including 'safety d...