Is Mel Gibson 'tooled up' on liberty as well as guns?
(Reposted from ) January 27, 7:32 AM Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea ) Edge of Darkness star Mel Gibson has a gun. That's apparently a newsworthy tidbit for followers of celebrity tabloid gossipmongers. Showbiz Spy's Richard Head tells readers Gibson "has admitted he has a dangerous weapon hidden away in his home in case an intruder breaks in during the night and puts his family’s lives at risk." The 54-year-old actor insists there is nothing unusual about his outlook, as in modern society, times have changed to the extent where people need to be 'tooled up' with weapons to defend themselves, their loved-ones and their homes. True enough. There's nothing unusual about that and Gibson is correct--weapons are tools, and we owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to have them and know how to properly use them. It's hardly news though, tha...