
Sentiment Behind Trump Throat-Cutting ‘Artwork’ Extends to His Supporters

 Reposted from  July 17, 2018 This is what they want for everyone who supports Trump’s pledged agenda. And these are the same people that support citizen disarmament. (Twitter/Facebook) “An art gallery in Portland, Oregon, has been criticized for displaying a piece of artwork on the window that depicts President Donald Trump’s throat being cut with a knife with the words ‘F**k Trump’ inscribed underneath,”  Newsweek reported Tuesday . “The One Grand Gallery located at 1000 E Burnside Street in Portland, Oregon has a decal of Trump being slashed in the throat with a knife on its window. The photo of the artwork surfaced on Twitter on Tuesday, with many people slamming the gallery for posting the violent image.” The piece has since been taken down by “a man who identified himself as the One Grand Gallery’s founder, who refused to give his name and hid his face,”  Fox 12 Oregon reports . “[P]eople that are responding, are responding with such anger and violence,” the co...

Chicago Freeway Protest Highlights Gun Grabber Sense of Entitlement over Rights of Others

 Recovered from h ttps:// They don’t care who they impose themselves upon. You rights just aren’t important to them. If they were, they wouldn’t be trying to ban them. (St. Sabina Faith Community Facebook photos) “‘We Live In a State of Emergency’: Chicago Protesters Shut Down Highway to Demand Americans Disarm,” ZeroHedge reported Sunday. “Thousands of protesters led by Father Michael Pfleger shut down the Dan Ryan Expressway on Saturday to demand ‘common sense gun laws, community resources, better schools, jobs and economic development.'” “Snuffy” Pfleger  again. The rogue priest not only urged a mob to “ snuff out “” a legal firearms dealer “like a rat” a few years back, but is now distancing himself from a supporter  arrested on illegal gun charges  who has been identified as part of his “security” appar...

Show NC legislators you are serious about NC Concealed Carry !

  In coming days, Representative  Keith Kidwell  (R-Beaufort, Dare, Hyde, Pamlico, GRNC ****) will introduce another bill for permitless concealed carry. Like House Bill 189, introduced in the last session of the General Assembly, the bill will leave intact the concealed handgun permit system for purposes of reciprocity with other states and bypassing the National Instant Background Check System for gun purchases. Unlike that bill, it will not contain weakening provisions demanded by then-Speaker Tim Moore R-14, ***).   WE NEED YOUR HELP Nope, not money. Please help show we are serious about constitutional carry by  joining GRNC volunteers  at the legislature on  Wednesday, January 29  at 0830 EST at the NC General Assembly on 16 W. Jones St., Raleigh, NC 27601. [Note: Visitor Lot #1 is closest.] We will be doing a literature drop to start prepping the legislature for passage of several pieces of pro-gun legislation. See accompanying maps for park...

‘Project Gunwalker’ T-shirts help raise public consciousness

 Reposted from Internet Archive capture of 2011 article. SHIRT NO LONGER AVAILABLE TO ORDER. It started with  a comment on a “gun blog”  that I thought was both funny and profound. The blog is John Richardson’s “No Lawyers-Only Guns and Money,” one of the more perceptive online journals out there on the right to keep and bear arms. The comment was by another blogger, Sean D. Sorrentino, who was responding to Richardson’s post about Tampa-to-Honduras gunwalking allegations.  Asked Sorrentino: Am I the only person on the planet that didn't get guns from the ATF? My reaction ? I Want this T-Shirt So Mr. Sorrentino  came up with one .   And others liked the idea so much, they uh…provided  the sincerest form of flattery —but quickly made things right and ceased and desisted when the Big Boss found out. Sorrentino took orders  and produced a limited run of shirts —no small task and hardly lucrative for him, but nonetheless rewarding to...

Let's Apply Gun Control Logic to Killer Cars

 Received via email from the author:

Dustin Burrows's anti-gun record explained:

 Recoverd from:  Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Dustin Burrows  co-authored Texas' so-called "Second Amendment Sanctuary" law in 2021, giving Texas the authority to push back against ANY unconstitutional gun control passed by the Biden administration. 1 As expected Joe Biden worked with Republicans like John Cornyn last summer to pass the "Bipartisan Safer Communities Act," which Biden referred to as "the most significant gun [control] legislation to pass Congress in 30 years." 2 Sadly, when  Burrows  went back to Austin this session,  He  voted to pass SB 728 to bring state law into line with part of Biden's gun control law by dumping millions of Texans' records into the flawed NICS Gun Ban Registry - instead of allowing Texas to exercise its new authority under the Second Amendment Sanctuary law. 3 Burrows  only plays lip service to the Second Amendment when ...