
Showing posts from July, 2024


 Reposted from Internet Archive, so internal links won't work. March 14, 2017 David Codrea All ,  Second Amendment Donald Trump ,  John Adams ,  Snoop Dogg 0 SHARES Share Tweet Noted gun owner control advocate and prohibited person Snoop Dogg displays his respect for Constitutional government and rule of law. [[BadBadNotGood YouTube screen capture] “Snoop Dogg’s new video features mock assassination of a ‘clown’ Donald Trump,” Newsweek and just about every other news outlet  are reporting  (many approvingly, as if they wouldn’t have demanded heads had Hillary been so treated). “Set in an alternative reality in the United States where the country is inhabited by clowns, it shows a clown Trump parody named Ronald Klump appearing on television to announce the deportation of all ‘doggs.’” That, of course, is a total misrepresentation of the president’s plan to protect the borders, vet those who come into this country, and evict foreign criminals. Those wer...

Bank stiffing porn stars more than happy to service ATF

Image April 30, 2014 9:09 PM MST Comment     Ethan Miller/Getty Images Chase Bank, a subsidiary of  JP Morgan Chase , is closing the bank accounts of  porn  stars,  Fox News reported Monday . “A bank has got hundreds of porn stars hot and fired up after writing to them to tell them their bank accounts would be closed,” the report explains. “I called them and they told me that because I am, I guess, public and am recognizable in the adult business, they’re closing my account,” porn star Teagan Presley reportedly told XBiz News. Ordinarily, that would hardly be a concern of  gun rights  activists, except to note that discrimination against free choices, even those we may not agree with, leads to  an inescapable Martin Niemöller realization  that goes to the heart of why we own guns in the first place. And in th...

New Reporting Requirement for Firearm Manufacturers and Importers in Border States

    July 5, 2024 News from Reeves & Dola, LLP New Reporting Requirement for Firearm Manufacturers and Importers in Border States Attention Type 07 and 08 Federal Firearms Licensees in Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas! Beginning on October 1, 2024, you must report to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) whenever, at one time or during any five consecutive business days, you sell or otherwise dispose of two or more semi-automatic rifles to an unlicensed person. This reporting requirement applies only to semi-automatic rifles that are greater than .22  and  capable of accepting a detachable magazine. The required information must be submitted on an  ATF Form 3310.12  no later than the close of business on the day the multiple sale or other disposition takes place. The requirement does not officially go into effect until October 1, 2024, but ATF is encouraging Type 07 and 08 FFLs to begin reporting immediately. This requiremen...