Sentiment Behind Trump Throat-Cutting ‘Artwork’ Extends to His Supporters
Reposted from July 17, 2018

“An art gallery in Portland, Oregon, has been criticized for displaying a piece of artwork on the window that depicts President Donald Trump’s throat being cut with a knife with the words ‘F**k Trump’ inscribed underneath,” Newsweek reported Tuesday. “The One Grand Gallery located at 1000 E Burnside Street in Portland, Oregon has a decal of Trump being slashed in the throat with a knife on its window. The photo of the artwork surfaced on Twitter on Tuesday, with many people slamming the gallery for posting the violent image.”
The piece has since been taken down by “a man who identified himself as the One Grand Gallery’s founder, who refused to give his name and hid his face,” Fox 12 Oregon reports.
“[P]eople that are responding, are responding with such anger and violence,” the coward complained. “People want the gallery to go up in flames with my family.”
I have seen one reaction implying use of force. A Facebook comment poster gave contact information for the Secret Service.
Maybe these guys should have thought about the reaction insanely violent death wishes for political opponents typically elicit. And yeah, all decent people are angry and strong Trump supporters more so. That’s because they’re not so much Trump supporters as they are Trump AGENDA supporters, and they know that death wishes expressed for the president are also meant for them. Trump is essentially an avatar, and this is hardly the first time we’ve seen wishes for his violent death expressed by the so-called “art” community.
It’s not possible to hate a man like this and not hate those he represents. Issue advocacy voters elected Donald Trump because what he pledged in his campaign resonated with their values and the direction they’re determined to see the country move in. Those who would destroy that vision must first destroy its proponents.
“Draining the swamp means not only ejecting Trump from the presidency, but also bringing himself and everyone assisting in his agenda up on charges of treason,” Huffington Post commentator Jason Fuller declared, confirming that assessment. “They must be convicted (there is little room to doubt their guilt). And then—upon receiving guilty verdicts—they must all be executed under the law.”
If you were a Trump agenda supporter, that’s you Fuller is talking about. That’s what he and those like him really want for you, for any family members who agree with you, for your friends and neighbors, and essentially for all in “red state/flyover” America. They want it for everyone who has committed the heresy of rejecting “progressivism” and instead chosen to support a Constitution delegating limited powers and declaring rights off limits from government encroachment.
Does anyone think genocide is simply an historical curiosity, a shadow from the past that humanity has outgrown? And is it any wonder these destroyers are the same domestic enemies rabidly opposed to the right of the people to keep and bear arms?
UPDATE: It looks like the owner of the building has taken undeserved flak for the actions of his tenants and has “nipped it in the bud.”
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