Weaponizing Redistricting for Vengeance is Not Okay


As Senator McDaniel explains in this article, Delbert Hosemann is attempting to use redistricting to eliminate conservative Republicans in 2023.  We already know one has been potentially eliminated when she saw her map today.

Hosemann is targeting some of the fifteen Republican senators who stood up boldly for Senator McDaniel’s amendment to HB1509. McDaniel's amendment would have provided a religious exemption to vaccine mandates for all Mississippians.

Every Democrat in the Senate voted with Delbert Hosemann against McDaniel’s amendment. Other Republicans voted with Hosemann, but many are saying they would have been punished if they had not.

Fifteen morally courageous senators stood for the people, knowing they would face political punishment. It is now time for us to stand for them.

Please Click the link below to sign the petition, and then share with everyone you know by social media, messaging, and email.

Click Here to Take Action and Contact all Senators


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