Blast Alert against Ohio HJR 1 & SJR 4 (Mark Meckler's "COS" application)

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From: ThePubliusHuldah
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2022 at 11:57:39 AM EST
Subject: Blast Alert against Ohio HJR 1 & SJR 4 (Mark Meckler's "COS" application)


Ohio hasn't said boo since the House committee hearings in Jan. & Feb., and the Senate committee hearings in May. Our side did great at both opponent hearings, and neither the House nor Senate committee Chair has brought the application up for a committee vote.
But now the Ohio Legislature will be going into its lame-duck session, and there are rumblings from Meckler's "COS" organization that OHIO is the state to watch. COS claims to be making a big push to force their application through Ohio in 2022.
There's still enough time left for it to pass, as committee meetings & floor sessions are scheduled the weeks of Nov. 14 & 28; and the weeks of Dec. 7, 14, and 21.
Sneaking legislation through over the holidays, in the last-minute rush, and in a lame-duck session, where some legislators might feel less accountable to their constituents, is right up COS's alley.
So please let the Ohio House & Senate members know that we're still watching them by writing to remind them about the dangers of an Article V Convention.
Let's go get 'em!
PS -- There's a PA update at the end of this blast.

The Legislation

Here are the companion COS applications in the Senate and House:
SJR 4 (Meckler's "COS"): pending in the Senate General Government Budget Committee—Hearings held on May 17 (Proponents including Meckler) and May 24 @ 19:38 (Opponents plus Meckler). Can be voted out of committee at any time and brought to the floor.HJR 1 (Meckler's "COS"): pending in the House State and Local Government Committee —3rd hearing (Opponents) held Feb. 9, 2022 @ 32:40. Can be voted out of committee at any time and brought to the floor.

Talking Points (OK for either party):

Here are some talking points that you can select from for a letter or write your own:
"DANGER: Article V Convention Legislation filed in Congress..." shows that the assurances of a limited convention, which the lobbyists have been selling to State Legislators to get their votes, are false. The bills filed in Congress show that if Congress calls an Article V Convention, the call will NOT be for a limited convention. New Article!"States have no Power to Control Delegates to an Article V Convention" (flyer) shows that those who promise that State Legislators will select and control the Delegates are making stuff up! Delegates have the self-evident Right "to alter or to abolish” the existing state & federal governments. Thus no one has power over Delegates."How to get a new Constitution under the pretext of proposing amendments" shows that the Framers understood that an Article V convention could be used to replace our Constitution—and that's how it's being used today! No Framer, including George Mason, ever said that the convention method was added to Article V in order to rein in the federal gov't, should it become tyrannical.The "Phony Petitions & Polls" flyer shows how the Convention of States Project (COS) showcases unverified, raw data from petitions to deceive legislators into believing their constituents are demanding a “convention of states.” But Meckler can't guarantee his signatures are valid. Meckler claims that "over 66% of Americans favor a "convention of states." But, as the flyer shows, the polls ask trick questions."Dark Money—Not the Grassroots—Is Behind the Convention of States Organizations (COS)" proves that almost 2/3 of the money driving COS's effort to apply to Congress for an Article V Convention, is coming from major donors giving COS $5,000 to $2,000,000 over the latest 3 years of reporting available. Why are multi-millionaires and billionaires trying to get their hands on our Constitution?The “Brilliant Men” flyer shows that James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, four US Supreme Court Justices, and other jurists and scholars warned that Delegates to an Article V convention can't be controlled.

Talking Points for Republicans Only:

"An Article V Convention Made Easy" shows why Delegates to an Article V Convention have the power to throw off the Constitution we have and set up a new one, with a new and easier mode of ratification.And COS board member Robert P. George has co-drafted a new constitution which grants massive powers to the fed gov't & imposes gun control with red flag confiscations!

Talking Points for Democrats Only

In "The Risk of the Right-Wing Push to Rewrite the Constitution," celebrated historian James M. Banner, Jr. raises the alarm about the push, mainly by a few billionaires, to trigger a convention under Article V of the US Constitution:
"...the greatest danger is that there’s nothing in Article V that prevents an amendatory convention from following the example of the 1787 convention in Philadelphia, which became a runaway convention by simply assuming its freedom to propose a substitute for the very frame of government, the Articles of Confederation, under which it convened...[If] the proponents of an Article V convention succeed in setting one in motion,…“the extraordinary American experiment in the self-government of an open society that has endured for over 230 years will be in never-before-experienced peril."
Or you might quote from Chief Justice Warren Burger's LETTER to Phyllis Schlafly dated June 22, 1988:“...[T]here is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention. The Convention could make its own rules and set its own agenda...After a Convention is convened, it will be too late to stop the Convention if we don’t like its agenda…”

Your Letter:

Please write all 99 Ohio Representatives and let them know why they should Vote "No" on HJR 1 (SJR 4)and any other applications asking Congress to call an Article V convention.
Copy the addresses below as a block into “BCC,” and copy your own address into the “To” box; and place the bill# & description, e.g. Art. V convention, and perhaps something catchy on the subject line. Then Scroll for the House Democrats & Independent. Lastly, scroll for the Senate.
House Republicans (64)—Dear Representative (if you're a Republican or conservative, tell them so!)




House Democrats (34)—Dear Representative:



House Independent (1)—Dear Rep. Davis,

Now for the Senate

Please write all 32 Ohio Senators and let them know why they should Vote “No” on SJR 4 (HJR 1), and any other applications asking Congress to call an Article V convention.
Senate Republicans (25)Dear Senator (If you're a Republican or conservative, tell the Republicans so):


Senate Democrats (7)—Dear Senator:,

Pennsylvania Update

We have to wonder if Pennsylvania legislators aren't as sick & tired as we are of hearing about Meckler's "COS" application. Meckler & Rick Santorum pushed SR 152 all year, despite failing time after time to come up with enough commitments to bring it to a floor vote. And Meckler & Santorum are being given special privileges to boot—like the closed-door meeting with the Republicans at the end of October.
Nevertheless, thanks to your efforts, we're 95% sure we've seen the last of COS until January. I doubt if we've ever blasted a state more often. Thank you for hanging in there with us!
The PA Senate is scheduled to meet only one more time this year—on Nov. 15, and SR 152 isn't currently on the calendar. The House meets Nov. 14, 15, & 16, and the House application is still in committee. Leadership can decide on more session days--but right now, that isn't likely. They'll be back come January, and it'll be a new session—so they'll have to start over.
Thank you for defending our Constitution!


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