Message from Senator Ben Ray Lujan


June 16, 2023




Thank you for reaching out to my office. Keeping in touch with my constituents is my greatest priority, and I appreciate the opportunity to engage with you on such an important topic.  

Nothing is more important to me than keeping New Mexicans safe. Too often, senseless acts of gun violence shake our nation. From El Paso, to Sandy Hook, to Parkland, mass shootings impact people from all walks of life, in every corner of our country, and right here in New Mexico. Recently, mass shootings across the nation—from Monterey Park, to Half Moon Bay, to Buffalo, to Uvalde— have shaken millions of families across the country. In New Mexico, 433 people on average die at the hands of a gun each year. It is far past time that we take real action to reduce incidences of gun-related tragedy, whether by homicide, domestic abuse, suicide, or mass shooting. 

After decades of inaction, Congress finally came together to address the gun violence epidemic and save lives in our communities. I was proud to vote for the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, a common-sense bill that addresses various causes of gun violence, including closing the boyfriend loophole, imposing a review period and background check on gun purchasers under 21 years of age, and investing in community-based violence prevention initiatives. The bill also encourages states to stand up new laws to keep guns out of the wrong hands, such as establishing extreme risk protection order laws and investing in mental health and drug courts. This vital package passed both the House and the Senate with strong support from both sides of the aisle, and President Biden signed it into law on June 25, 2022.  I look forward to working alongside the Biden Administration to implement these important measures.

The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act is a step in the right direction that will save lives—but I know that the fight to put gun violence to a stop is not over. Recently, I cosponsored the Background Check Expansion Act, which establishes new background check requirements for firearm transfers between private parties, including in online sales and at gun shows. The bill includes exceptions in certain situations, including transfers between law enforcement officers, temporary transfers for hunting and sporting events, and temporary transfers for matters of urgent and immediate self-defense. Expanded background checks are widely supported by gun owners across the country, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to advance this vital legislation. I am also a cosponsor of Ethan’s Law, which requires gun owners to store their firearms in a secure gun storage or safety device to prevent minors from gaining access to the weapons.

Additionally, this Congress I am proud to be an original cosponsor of the Assault Weapons Ban, which would ban the sale, transfer, manufacture and importation of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. These weapons are intended for military use, and have no purpose for self-defense or hunting.

As an outdoorsman, I know that we do not have to sacrifice the Second Amendment to make these commonsense reforms to protect our communities from harm. I am dedicated to continuing to work with lawmakers and stakeholders to find solutions that work for New Mexico. 

While we may sometimes disagree, know that I appreciate hearing from you, and weigh the thoughts and concerns of New Mexicans carefully before every vote. Please rest assured I will keep your advice and recommendations regarding firearm policy reform in mind should legislation come before me on the floor of the Senate. 

Once again, thank you for expressing your concerns on this important matter. I am humbled to serve New Mexico in the Senate, and I look forward to continuing to hear from you. I hope you will consider keeping in contact with me by subscribing to my newsletter here. If you are looking for assistance navigating a federal agency, or would like to speak to a member of my staff in New Mexico, please visit my website here for more information.                                 Sincerely,                                                             Ben Ray Luján                                 United States Senator



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