MoveOn Email: No Labels


Dark Money Alert (via MoveOn) <>

  • You
Tue 6/6/2023 10:27 AM

Dear MoveOn member,

On Sunday, MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting appeared on MSNBC to sound alarm bells about a wolf in sheep's clothing.1

Rahna appeared on MSNBC's "Ayman" to talk about a dangerous and deceptive third-party presidential campaign that could put Donald Trump in the White House (or Ron DeSantis, if Trump falters).

She explained, "This is an attempt to spoil the election in favor of a Republican nominee."2

Guess who's behind it? Harlan Crow, the same billionaire who has been bankrolling Clarence Thomas for decades, and other right-wing billionaires and large corporations.3

The dark-money effort is called No Labels, and they've committed an eye-popping $70 million to put a third-party presidential candidate on the ballot in 2024.4

On Fox News on Sunday, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin wouldn't rule out running for president on the No Labels ticket.5

The very real risk is that Sen. Manchin—or another Republican-funded candidate—would peel away enough votes from the Democratic candidate to hand victory to the Republican candidate, which is exactly what happened in 2000 and 2016.6

David, we're writing to you today to ask for your help educating voters about the threat of No Labels. Already, they're on the ballot in four states, including the critical battleground state of Arizona.7 And we need your help to stop them in their tracks before they get more momentum.

As Rahna, along with colleagues from two other organizations, recently warned in The Washington Post, "No third-party candidate has ever come remotely close to winning, including Theodore Roosevelt, running on a Progressive Party ticket just four years after leaving office as an enormously popular Republican president. In fact, no third-party candidate has won a single electoral vote since 1968."8

But you'll remember that, in 2016, Trump very narrowly won the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, which won him the White House.9 In 2020, his share of the vote in each of those states actually increased, but he lost all three, enabling Joe Biden to win the presidency. The reason? President Biden won the vast majority of the votes of those who had chosen Jill Stein, Gary Johnson, or another third-party candidate in 2016.10

Between them, Stein and Johnson spent less than $16 million in 2016, and they still managed to tip the election to Trump. No Labels has committed at least $70 million and is nearly certain to outperform them, increasing the odds of serving as a stalking horse for an extreme MAGA Republican.

And No Labels' tactics are already being exposed as less than ethical. In Maine, the secretary of state told No Labels to "cease and desist" for lying to voters.11 In Arizona, they are being sued for failing to meet signature requirements.12

We need to ramp up our efforts to educate voters and expose No Labels for who they are: billionaires trying to elect another Republican president.

Thanks for all you do.

–Nusaiba, Kelsey, Kenia, David, and the rest of the team


1. Tweet by MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting, June 5, 2023

2. Ibid.

3. "Who Else Has Harlan Crow Given Money To?" Slate, April 23, 2023

4. "Who's Funding 'No Labels'? Pro-GOP Billionaires Opposed to Democracy," Common Dreams, May 23, 2023

5. Tweet by Fox News Sunday, June 4, 2023

6. "This plan for a third-party presidential bid in 2024 is dangerous," The Washington Post, April 14, 2023

7. "No Labels gains Arizona 2024 ballot spot, could play spoiler," Associated Press, March 8, 2023

8. "This plan for a third-party presidential bid in 2024 is dangerous," The Washington Post, April 14, 2023

9. Ibid.

10. Ibid.

11. "Group trying to gain official party status warned against misleading voters," Portland Press Herald, May 12, 2023

12. "Arizona Democrats sue to keep 'No Labels' candidates off ballots," CNN, March 30, 2023


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