ADL engages in stereotyping, bigotry against gun owners

 (Reposted from 2010 article recovered from Internet Archive)

January 8, 8:03 AMGun Rights ExaminerDavid Codrea

"ADL was organized in 1913 to advance good will and mutual understanding among Americans of all creeds and races."

So begins the amicus curiae brief submitted by the Anti Defamation League in support of Respondents, that is, for the City of Chicago and against Otis McDonald et al. In a nutshell:

The extremist threat... counsels that the Court should decide this case narrowly, so... experimentation with effective gun control measures — can continue.

Yeah, those Chicago "gun control measures" sure has been "effective". And nothing like "advancing good will and mutual understanding with all Americans" by lumping them in with vile and violent haters, and using that to strip them of their fundamental right to the means of armed defense prescribed by the Founders as "being necessary to the security of a free State."

And here I thought stereotyping was the fallback position for ignorant haters...

But ADL National Director Abraham Foxman isn't done:

"Racist and anti-government extremists often have an obsessive fascination with firearms and have shown a willingness to engage in acts of shocking and often deadly violence. We urge the Supreme Court to ensure that cities and states retain the latitude they need to keep guns out of the hands of extremists, terrorists, and violent bigots."

And Foxman's "good will" mechanism for that is keeping guns out of your hands and mine.

"Extremists and those who commit hate crimes pose a serious threat to the safety of the general public and, more specifically, to the members of the discrete racial, ethnic and religious groups who often become their targets...

To play off the words of another notorious gun grabber, that all depends on the meaning of the word "extremist." After all, we've seen patriots, whose only "crime" is to revere their oath to support and defend the Constitution, painted as extreme and lumped in with haters by those who would subvert the right to keep and bear arms.

We're not supposed to have prior restraint on rights in this country, Mr. Foxman. That's what makes us different from all those places refugees like you have fled from.

But Foxman has made a career out of playing the anti-Semitism card. It's tough for someone not of his faith--assuming he has any, because he certainly doesn't show it in his fellow man--to use the needed arguments against him without subjecting themselves to today's Scarlet Letter--the accusation of being a bigot. And there are those who rely on that to chill public discourse.

Fortunately, I have some friends who are immune. From Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership:

We are asking Abraham Foxman to think very clearly about his support of American "gun control" laws, which are based on Nazi laws. Having witnessed the horrors of the Holocaust personally, he should condemn American "gun control" laws in the memory of millions of murdered defenseless victims. Does Abe Foxman have a moral compass? We await his answer.

And again:

Thoughtful Americans, whether Jewish, Christian, or non-religious, can see Foxman's cynical, cowardly, hateful jihad for what it is.

We certainly can.

For more information on JPFO, click here--and spend some time there. They have a lot of good educational information, videos, etc. To make a much-needed contribution to help them combat the well-financed lies of the gun owner haters, click here.


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