2A Commas

Received from WarOnGuns Correspondent Patrick F (See "UPDATES" for newly added photos):

Just read your article on Ammoland about the commas in the 2nd. I've been researching this myself for many years and have many old books that have the 2nd, written, I believe, in its original form. It only had one comma.

I have attached a book titled, "Jefferson's Manual" which was printed by the authority, and the order, of the US Senate in 1828. The book is basically Robert's Rule of Order of the day, and was given to all members of the Senate and the House of Representatives for reference. Here, the 2nd has one comma. One must know that this is the correct version because the US Senate of the day, only 39 years after the ratification of the Bill of Rights, had it printed, and everyone knew at the time that it must be printed correctly.

I have many other old books dating to near 200 years old, to over 200 years old, that have the 2nd printed this way. Including books from States with their Constitutions, along with the US Constitution showing the 2nd with one comma.

The changes to using three commas began around the end of the 1800's into the early 1900's. By whom, I have no idea.

Also, please take note of the "Index" under the listing of "Rights of the Citizen declared to be -". There is no doubt what the 2nd Amendment was meant to be and do.

Email 2:

The old relevant books, at least those that are being sold, are becoming harder and harder to find. Our history, and the written/printed record of it, is being erased, or being purposefully hidden from the public at every turn. BTW, that book cost me near $500 years ago. It is also small being about 7 inches in height and 4 ½ inches in width. And today, having searched recently, is not available anywhere, that I could find.

I also have a book from Nevada, Statues of the State of Nevada from 1895 that show the 2nd with only one comma. An American History book from 1900, with no commas, however where the only one would be is double spaced, (maybe they just missed it?) Another history book from 1847 which states in part on the title page, "FROM AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS", with one comma.

I'll begin pulling out my other books that have the Constitution in it along with the Bill of Rights, with the original 2nd, take some more pictures, at send them to you for your research and writings.

I attached some pictures of a book, from 1818, that I unfortunately did not win at an auction, but I got the pictures! You might want to crop them up a bit though.

Email 3:

Here are the pictures from the Nevada book, Statues of the State of Nevada, (1895). And a history book, America's Own Book, (1847).

I am so super happy, that, finally, someone has picked up the mantle and has written about this subject with a platform and the connections to spread this far and wide. I have sent some of these pictures of these pages to many others. To sites that post memes, or in their articles, showing the 2nd with three commas to try and correct them. And yet, I've never received a response from any of them. Let alone see anyone correct their memes, or articles, to using only one comma. I presume they are that way for their own purposes, or must be completely ignorant on the issue or can't believe they've been lied to their entire lives and refuse to acquiesce to what is plain as day.

Notice in the Nevada book next to the 2nd in the left column as a short identifier where it states simply, "Right to bear arms". They well knew back then the true meaning of the 2nd.

Today, forces want to confuse everyone of their natural innate right to defend themselves in any manner they see fit using stupid grammatical arguments. Arguments which gain a foothold due to the indoctrination centers called public schools that graduate the illiterate lacking all reading comprehension skills.

I noticed that when I began my research, that slowly, starting near the end of the 1800's and continuing into the 1900's up to today, books including the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, for governmental institutional use or books for public consumption, and books used for schools, one by one, began to print the 2nd with three commas, in an attempt to alter its meaning. To where now, every book published, even ones printed for the use for any elected person, shows three commas.  As far as I can tell, it is the only part of the Constitution that has been nefariously altered, slowly over decades to a gullible public, for the purpose of passing laws restricting the Rights of Americans to turn this Right into a "privilege", a permission slip privilege that can be revoked at whim from any  government.

The 2nd changed kinda in the way where black is now being capitalized in certain instances. It just happened, from those purveyors of divisive news, without any input from academia what so ever.

Anyway, I hopes this helps and gives you writing ideas to further the spread of the truth.

If you'd like more commentary, or more information to help you, or more of my thoughts, just let me know. Or if you'd like me to assist in more research such as looking for more evidence of one comma use.

Somehow I managed to miss/neglect the folllowing -- note an important synopsis on the index page that, in a rational world, would put an end to the false argument that prompted the need for the Heller case and the entire "only meant Militia" lie):
Rights of the Citizen declared to be-- to keep and bear arms


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