Ordnance crossing into Mexico over border—its southern one

[Reposted from Internet Archive capture of Gun Rights Examiner article, so no effort made to update internal links.]

January 5, 2011By: David Codrea

“Guatemala's top security official says the Zetas drug gang from Mexico had set up an operations center in the border province of Alta Verapaz,” the Associated Press reports.

Regular readers will recall how the criminal enterprise started by rogue Mexican special forces operatives has expanded its influence—first as enforcers for the Gulf Cartel and now as a rival power. That they’ve established themselves in neighboring Guatemala is hardly surprising, and would appear to circumstantially dovetail with another development being reported by Tim Johnson, Mexico Bureau Chief for McClatchy Newspapers:

Mexico… is also flooded with hand grenades. From what I am told, some of the grenade stockpiles are coming up from leftover military depots in Central America from the 1980s.

And how does one get from Central America to Mexico?


Some have been taken/bought/stolen from the Mexican army itself.

There’s just one thing about these stories that doesn’t add up, that is, if we’re to believe what ATF and the “Authorized Journalists” have been telling us in order to gin up new control efforts:

Where do U.S. gun stores fit into all this?

[Thanks to W3]


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