‘Project Gunwalker’ T-shirts help raise public consciousness
Reposted from Internet Archive capture of 2011 Examiner.com article. SHIRT NO LONGER AVAILABLE TO ORDER.
It started with a comment on a “gun blog” that I thought was both funny and profound.
The blog is John Richardson’s “No Lawyers-Only Guns and Money,” one of the more perceptive online journals out there on the right to keep and bear arms. The comment was by another blogger, Sean D. Sorrentino, who was responding to Richardson’s post about Tampa-to-Honduras gunwalking allegations. Asked Sorrentino:
Am I the only person on the planet that didn't get guns from the ATF?
I Want this T-Shirt
So Mr. Sorrentino came up with one. And others liked the idea so much, they uh…provided the sincerest form of flattery—but quickly made things right and ceased and desisted when the Big Boss found out.
Sorrentino took orders and produced a limited run of shirts—no small task and hardly lucrative for him, but nonetheless rewarding to see people reacting enthusiastically to his words. Even so, his sense was there would only be enough interest for one run. And with his goal fulfilled, he signaled the last day and stopped taking orders, albeit he left the door open a crack.
Now that he has packed and shipped the first run, he’s opening the door again:
Sorrentino tells us by email:
I wanted to drop you all a line and let you know that all the orders were shipped on Friday, 23 July 2011. It was quite a sight, with over 100 individual packages shipped. I think I ran the Postal Office's machine out of labels. You should receive your shirts as quickly as your friendly postal carrier can get them to you. I have already had one report of a shirt being delivered to a person who lives fairly close to me. Thank you all again for your order. I hope that you enjoy the shirts as much as I enjoyed making them.
I had so much fun with this shirt that I'd like to do it again. I have had several people email me asking to purchase shirts after I had closed the ordering. Unfortunately, I had a hard deadline to meet with the first order. I wanted to have them in your hands before I went on vacation. This second batch of shirts will have an order period of more than 2 weeks. I will open the ordering process in the next two days. My thought was that I should wait until you all received your shirts before I started taking more money. Unfortunately I have also had to raise my prices by one dollar per shirt, but I have also convinced PayPal to allow me to customize the shipping costs. Here is the link to the new Gunwalker T-Shirt ordering page.
Here's what I would like for you to do. If you like your shirt, show it off to your friends. Then tell your friends where to get a shirt of their own. Take a photo of yourself wearing your new shirt and post it on Facebook, along with the link to the ordering page. If you are a blogger, please post and link. If you blog anonymously and don't want to post a photo of yourself wearing your new shirt, feel free to use my photo at the link. Please help me get the word out on this shirt. David Codrea actually had a few inquiries from ATF agents!
As a special bonus, anyone who buys 12 shirts at one time will receive free shipping. PayPal is set up to recognize orders of 12 or more and set the shipping price to zero. If you can get 12 people together who want a shirt, you'll all save money. Shipping 12 shirts together is much easier and cheaper for me, so I'll pass the savings on to you. This also means that if you have a table at a gun show, you can order 12 or more shirts and sell them at a profit. If you want to order 24 shirts or more, please email me first so I can work out some special pricing for you. The bigger the order, the better the pricing.
Thank you all once again for your orders. This was a great deal of fun for me, and I hope that your shirts make you all as happy as they made me. You may rest assured that any profit I make will be spent on firearms and ammunition since the ATF didn't see fit to give me any guns.
And he tells me:
I didn't make a whole lot of money with this shirt, but I sure had a lot of fun. I'd like to do that again.
My recommendation: Go to the new ordering page link and get yourself one of these collector’s items. What better way is there to start a conversation with people who notice your shirt and ask about it, and then educate them on “Project Gunwalker”?
And by way of full disclosure, Sorrentino is sending me a T-shirt. So it’s not like I’m hyping this for fabulous remuneration, although I will be damned happy when I get my shirt and damned proud to wear it.
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