Chicago Freeway Protest Highlights Gun Grabber Sense of Entitlement over Rights of Others
Recovered from h ttps:// They don’t care who they impose themselves upon. You rights just aren’t important to them. If they were, they wouldn’t be trying to ban them. (St. Sabina Faith Community Facebook photos) “‘We Live In a State of Emergency’: Chicago Protesters Shut Down Highway to Demand Americans Disarm,” ZeroHedge reported Sunday. “Thousands of protesters led by Father Michael Pfleger shut down the Dan Ryan Expressway on Saturday to demand ‘common sense gun laws, community resources, better schools, jobs and economic development.'” “Snuffy” Pfleger again. The rogue priest not only urged a mob to “ snuff out “” a legal firearms dealer “like a rat” a few years back, but is now distancing himself from a supporter arrested on illegal gun charges who has been identified as part of his “security” appar...