Chicago Freeway Protest Highlights Gun Grabber Sense of Entitlement over Rights of Others

“‘We Live In a State of Emergency’: Chicago Protesters Shut Down Highway to Demand Americans Disarm,” ZeroHedge reported Sunday. “Thousands of protesters led by Father Michael Pfleger shut down the Dan Ryan Expressway on Saturday to demand ‘common sense gun laws, community resources, better schools, jobs and economic development.'”
“Snuffy” Pfleger again. The rogue priest not only urged a mob to “snuff out“” a legal firearms dealer “like a rat” a few years back, but is now distancing himself from a supporter arrested on illegal gun charges who has been identified as part of his “security” apparatus.
Then there’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel. The Obama apparatchik ignored Chicago PD public safety concerns, threw his support behind the protest, and dissed the governor in the process. Citizen disarmament has never been about “public safety” anyway (quite the opposite, actually).
It’s no surprise “survivors” Emma González and David Hogg would try for their share of the spotlight – along with “stay-at-home-mom” Shannon Watts.
That would be “¿Armas para que?” Emma, the daughter of a refugee from Castro’s Cuba, “Big Lie” proponent Hogg who preposterously claims to be “pro second amendment,” and Defensive Gun Use disparager Shannon, who curiously didn’t appear all that vocal about public health when she was being paid big bucks by Monsanto at the same time allegations were flying about its weed killer, cancer deaths, and falsified data.
“I think there is a clear message being sent across the country and that is that we live in a state of emergency in Chicago,” protestor, Cook County Commissioner and Congressional candidate Chuy Garcia declared. Finally some truth out of these people, even if the inescapable conclusion is unintended!
That state of emergency should be all the proof any objective observer needs to realize that managing the city is beyond the capability of the corrupt incompetents and outright subversives calling the shots. Perhaps the governor should give Garcia exactly what he’s asking for, particularly when taxpayers have essential services like roadways denied to them while the mob is egged on by the very people tasked with “insur[ing] domestic tranquility.”
The Illinois Department of Transportation maintains the Dan Ryan Expressway (which is part of the Interstate Highway System) and pedestrian obstruction is a hazard as well as a gross imposition on the rights of others who are lawfully using the system. Contrary to Emanuel’s assertion that the unlawful protest was “peaceful,” not only did it create a hazard, but one person has no right to violate the personal and commercial travel rights of another by physically imposing themselves and blocking others from going about their lives and business.
Still, as with all such actions taken by those who believe their lot in life is to obnoxiously demand that others obey them, there are plenty of indications the demeanor of the “protestors” is getting on more and more on normal people’s nerves. People previously not engaged in the “debate” have been dragged into it and inconvenienced without any say in the matter—and millions more now see it could just as easily happen to them. On top of that, there’s the sheer ridiculousness of using Chicago’s out-of-control gangland murders and total disregard for all “gun control laws” as the bar by which everyone else’s rights must be measured.
“Number of people shot in Chicago this year surpasses 1,400,” The Chicago Tribune reported Monday.
Does anyone want to hazard a guess as to how many of the perps were NRA members, the ones the lying gun-grabbers are always saying have “blood on their hands“?
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